/Missing Africa…..
Relaunch 2019….it has been a minute but I am back!! I decided to relaunch my blog to expand it into a website which includes my upcoming projects. I am happy for several reasons and I wanted to share my new experiences within a one stop shop. Why am I so excited….#1 WE HAVE A BABY BOY...yes, he was born in March of 2019 and I am a new mommy so who knows what is in store for my great baby but I feel thankful for all of the support from my family and friends who have encouraged me to continue my work on the continent. #2 My team and I have finalized all South Africa 2020 trip plans and promotion has begun (check out our tours to South Africa). #3 I am a co-host on a youtube podcast that will feature South African guest and there is more to come.
In other news….it has been an entire year since I have visited the continent which has been an emotional struggle for me because I am very much connected to not only my friends who have turned into my family but the physical space of Africa. Pregnancy allowed me to reflect on the blessings that I have been given while also thinking about how can I share these experiences in addition to connecting people across the globe. So excuse me if I bombard you with my ideas as I plant these upcoming seeds!!!!